Today, another recruiter has “agreed” to be on this blog. We say “agreed” because (s)he made the call into a place where (s)he forgot one key rule: “Every mic is an open mic”. In this person’s case, that happened to be a computer and a speakerphone. And what this person may not know is that they will be known by his/her bad deeds forever. And who is that stupid to call someone looking for a job just to harass the candidate because (s)he can? Stacy Chaconas!
Let us introduce you to Stacy Chaconas. Stacy is a recruiter with Smith Consulting Group of Michigan. She is currently located in the Tampa, FL, area. She is currently working with Hazen & Sawyer to find a Senior Structural Engineer. Yes, folks, she works for Hazen & Sawyer. The reason we believe this arrange was done is so Hazen & Sawyer does not have to pay for everything associated with having a full time employee. And this is where our story begins, folks! For convenience, we will call her Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas!
Since 1951, Hazen and Sawyer has focused on two critical activities – helping our clients provide safe drinking water to their customers, and controlling water pollution and its effects on the environment. Now Hazen & Sawyer has decided to offer structural engineering services for these plants because they want to keep all services in house.
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas wrote a Linkedin post requesting candidates for the Senior Structural Engineer position she was trying to fill. We have reposted it for your use.
So Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas decided to contact the Candidate and set up the interview with Hazen & Sawyer. She revealed to the Candidate the firm that had the open position was Hazen & Sawyer as we have seen in the February 1, 2021, email.
On February 5th, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas sent the email stating she was setting up the first interview with Wyatt Dressler. Wyatt Dressler is the Structural Engineering Lead for the Western region of the US. He is now headquartered in Denver, CO.
So the Candidate waited for the set up for the virtual interview.
So far, so good! Wyatt has a long conversation with the Candidate. The Candidate asked lots of very relevant questions such as why the position was open, why is the work in Phoenix, would there be work sharing, are there bonuses, how much are they based on past performance of the firm, etc. This was a very productive interview because it lasted 90 minutes. It is really safe to say there is some interest there.
Before we discuss the second interview, we thought we should show what happened behind the scenes and all of the players involved. So let’s do that right now.
The second interview went really well for the Candidate. The Candidate was complimented on his/her experience by Wyatt Dressler and Chris Phillips. They both stated the Candidate was the one they were looking for. They complimented the Candidate constantly. At one point, the men stated that this was the Candidate needed and they would be scheduling a third interview with the Candidate.
After the second interview, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas contacted the Candidate on February 19, 2021, as shown in the email below.
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate that (s)he was not moving on to the next level in his/her Candidacy for the Senior Structural Engineer position. Yes, folks, Stacy Chaconas wasted that Candidate’s time, nearly a month. Obviously, Stacy Chaconas’s brain is not a vital organ. It makes you want to ask Stacy Chaconas this question from her daughter:
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas said some very outrageous and unprofessional things to the Candidate. We at Structural Stupidists will debunk everything Stacy Chaconas said because as you will discover, she is a flaming idiot. We can do this because we contacted the Candidate for this post and have the evidence to back it up. What Stacy Chaconas did not know is that her conversations with the Candidate were recorded. The Candidate also recorded the interviews with the Hazen & Sawyer structural engineers during his/her interviews. We at Structural Stupidists obtained these recordings.
1. Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate that (s)he has no experience as a Structural Engineer. Folks, there is one major issue with that, folks. The Candidate is licensed as a Structural Engineer in California, Washington, Colorado & Texas. And it was on the Candidate’s resume with the license numbers. We at Structural Stupidists verified these licenses. There was no reason Stacy Chaconas not to look this information up or even better yet, ask how to look it up. Of course, this would never happen if you are as stupid as Stacy Chaocnas.
2. Speaking of the Candidate, we have evidence that Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas lied about the Candidate’s experience. We have reposted the email below so you can reference what we are discussing.
According to Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas, the Candidate had only 15 years of experience. The Candidate clearly said over 20 years. We at Structural Stupidists know this to be true because we were in the room when it was said. Also, there is some evidence that rebuts Stacy Chaconas’s claims. We looked up that Candidate’s Professional Engineering License in California. According to the website, the license was acquired in 2002. Also, to take the test for the California Civil Engineer License, applicants need over 1 year of experience with a Master’s degree. So this Candidate has been working in structural engineering since the beginning of 2001.
But, wait, there’s more, folks! We also looked up the person’s Engineer-in-Training License. That was received in 1996. That person has been a Structural Engineer for 23 years, not the 15 years Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told her clients Hazen & Sawyer.
If this email proves one thing, it is that Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is willing to lie about candidates at will. It makes you wonder whether Stacy Chaconas tried to give a bald eagle Rogaine!
3. Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate (s)he had no experience in structural engineering. There is one major problem with her statement: it is not true. Stacy Chaconas has no clue what is required to obtain a Structural Engineer in California. We will show people what is required because we know Stacy Chaconas is a complete idiot that will ignore reality if it saved her time. Unfortunately for her, this will make Stacy Chaconas look really bad. She is bad because she is an idiot who will do anything she can to harass the Candidates who use her recruiting services. Anyway, we have posted a copy of the California Structural Engineer reference firm that must be filled out before someone is even allowed to take the Structural Engineer Exam.
If all of these boxes are not checked off, the person cannot take the California Structural Engineer Exam. So let’s break it down, shall we?
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas claimed the Candidate had no experience with Wood, Steel, Concrete and Masonry. How can this Candidate get a Structural Engineer license if all of these boxes are not checked off? Simple answer: they can’t!
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate that (s)he had no experience with lateral forces on buildings. Apparently, Stay Chaconas forgot that licensees have to have experience with wind and seismic forces – which are quite severe in California. How did the Candidate get his/her Structural Engineer license if these boxes are not checked off then? They can’t!
Then there’s the boxes of Framing Systems and Foundation Systems. This means laying out the gravity and lateral system of the buildings whether they be for a high rise tower, office building, or for environmental engineering structures like those used in water and wastewater treatment plants designed by Hazen & Sawyer. If you are Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas, you ignore the Candidate’s relevant experience.
Now let’s talk about building codes, the thing Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas claimed the Candidate did not have experience in. Apparently Stacy Chaconas has not figured out that you need a permit to construct a building and that requires the building be checked against the legal building code.
Based on what we just discussed, it is easy to conclude that Stacy Chaconas is an idiot who knows nothing about engineering of any kind. It makes you wonder whether Stacy Chaconas used Google Maps to find an ethical action and/or a correct answer!
4. Then Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate (s)he had no design experience with environmental engineering structures. The problem is that Stacy was told about this experience by the Candidate. In fact, the Candidate gave Hazen & Sawyer and Stacy a website showing the Candidate’s work showing the environmental engineering structures. Here are pictures of environmental engineering structures that Stacy Chaconas refused to see because she is an idiot.
Yes, folks, actions like that make you wonder whether Stacy Chaconas would reduce her carbon footprint by wearing smaller shoes.5. Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas told the Candidate that (s)he had a chip on his/her shoulder. This means the Candidate was thinking about him or herself. Hey, Stacy Chaconas, isn’t that what the Candidate is supposed to do in an interview? Maybe the Candidate should get a fake license and impersonate someone else. And speaking of people, you may have noticed a guy’s pic with the Fyre Festival logo next to Stacy Chaconas. Why is it on there? It is because Stacy Chaconas is exactly like Billy McFarland, the head of the Fyre Festival. Billy McFarland deceived the concertgoers by saying there would be posh accommodations and meetings with celebrities. Billy McFarland was busted for fraud and is now sitting in jail. Stacy Chaconas has done the same exact thing with the Candidate who applied for the position she posted.
6. Speaking of having a chip on his/her shoulder, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas wanted the Candidate to forget that one of her clients was caught participating in wage theft. This client is Horrocks Engineers. We have posted the email the Candidate sent to Stacy Chaconas so you can see that she was alerted to this act.
Imagine if you were using her as a recruiter and had this happen to you after you took the position Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas set you up with. Would you do business with Stacy Chaconas and any of her client firms in the future? Of course you wouldn’t. This would be the equivalent of setting up a date with a rapist. But then again, Stacy Chaconas is incapable of using her brain – which we at Structural Stupidists believes is gone. Stacy Chaconas is a prostitute because she is willing to do anything for cash. So you can say that Stacy Chaconas does business with very unethical engineering firms. And the reason she did this to the Candidate for the Hazen & Sawyer structural engineering position is so she could collect her commission at any cost.
Now imagine if one of her client’s firms sexually assaulted one of her candidates! Would you expect Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas to give a shit? Of course not! Stacy Chaconas only cares about money and not about the candidates she is working to place jobs for.
Yes, folks, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is a flaming idiot who has no idea what she is talking about!
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is a lying sack of crap! Not only is she a lying sack of crap, she is really stupid. Let us show you the ways, folks! Before we begin, let’s post her Linkedin profile up so you can see for yourselves!
According to her Linkedin profile, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas claims to have 20 years of experience in recruiting. Here is the problem, folks. It doesn’t pass the smell test. You see, Stacy started as a recruiter in 2004 and it is now 2021. This means she has 16 years according to math. It makes you wonder whether Stacy Chaconas double-counted four of those 16 years!
Also Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas claimed she is a subject matter expert in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Folks, this is really laughable because her college major at George Mason University was Busines & Management. That has no relation to being a Structural Engineer. In fact, business majors cannot take the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam because they have to get accreditation from taking an ABET curriculum. Last time we checked, a business major cannot become a Licensed Professional Engineer in any US state, even Florida.
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas’s knowledge of Civil Structural Engineering is down right laughable at best. It is the equivalent of her eating alphabet soup to increase her vocabulary. It doesn’t work! Also, Stacy Chaconas may be impersonating a professional engineer. If Stacy Chaconas is a subject matter expert, why is she not licensed in any US state? Folks, Stacy Chaconas is a fake somebody in the likes of Ted Ripley. Stacy Chaconas believes it is better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody!
We at Structural Stupidists are posting this experience so you can see how bad Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is at her job as a recruiter. After all, why would a company want to use her if this is the results that Candidates get when they work with her? Obviously after seeing this post, they will think twice about using her because they know she sucks.
There is another important issue. And Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas never even thought about this one. How does it make the client look if they use her? Folks, why would anyone want to use Stacy Chaconas when she treats candidates badly? Short answer: you wouldn’t!
And if you thought Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas was bad now, you are in for the exact opposite of what a treat is! This is because Stacy Chaconas and Hazen & Sawyer are busy removing posts critical of bad candidate experiences on Linkedin. The reason Stacy Chaconas and Hazen & Sawyer are doing this is because it makes them look bad. This will not work, folks, because we have preserved the deleted posts. Because of what this bozo has done, you will understand how she really doesn’t give a shit about the people she represents in her capacity as recruiter.
Folks, this looks bad for Hazen & Sawyer for a multitude of reasons. If a client were to use Hazen & Sawyer, would they trust the firm to give unbiased opinions on safety? Of course not! If the firm participated in evidence destruction with Linkedin posts, you can be assured the firm has no integrity whatsoever compliments of their employees. It makes you wonder whether they would alter their plans and other relevant documents so they could get out of trouble with their clients and the legal system. You can thank Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas for this.
If you thought Hazen & Sawyer was bad with interviewing Candidates, just check out the Glassdoor reviews on what it is like to work there. We have samples of many of the bad ones:
What was once a vibrant, active firm in Hollywood bustling with new talent has now become an abandoned shell of it's former self. 99% of the staff work from home and there is talk that the Hollywood office will close for good. Moral is at an all time low and many employees are wondering what's the point besides getting their meager paycheck. They've seen many of their co-workers callously terminated due to COVID-19 without so much as a thank you their decades of loyalty. If you are a young engineer or EIT, I strongly suggest you look elsewhere. There is no future here.
Non supportive / poor leadership in the west with a couple rare exceptions. Little appreciation for the concept of work/life balance. "Bosses" have no idea about how to bring out the best of the talent pool.
Do you like hearing your coworkers swear aloud due to mounting stress? This is a place where that happens, and for real reasons. One of which is that there is little appreciation for the concept of work/life balance. People across all divisions stay in the office until late evening hours on a regular basis for no other reason than that they are overburdened and overworked. I know from experience -- on multiple occasions I (and others) had to stay in the office for 20+ hour shifts, as a salaried employee (something that my role did not require and I have not encountered anywhere before in 7 years of experience at equally reputable firms). That is a particularly extreme case but it is not unique; I and others both within and outside of my division were regularly required to stay into the late PM hours. It is representative. The day-to-day work environment at Hazen is not normal, even for a headquarters office, and the compensation is frankly lacking, particularly when you factor in that you will almost assuredly be working well beyond typical hours regardless of what your function is.
Total devaluing of the employee set in place a few years back when CEO change was made has turned this company into just another face in the crowd.
You don't want to work here. This is a company built of fiefdoms that are fighting each other every single day to survive. The victims are the employees and the clients. Thanks to poor quality control at every single level and area of the work that gets produced here, Hazen and Sawyer has been blacklisted from getting new work in the northeast. With the company outlook being so bad layoffs are common place. Over worked younger cheaper employees who aren't trained properly are now shouldering the workloads of the many who were cut. If you want to work here be prepared to be forced to do unpaid overtime. Lots of unpaid overtime. Of course none of that is ever said in emails. But be prepared to be called into an office if you would like to use any vacation time, and be reminded how lucky you are to be employed here. Then being told taking a vacation, or even a single day off for a doctor's appointment isn't the best choice right now. Working hard doesn't keep you employed here, it's all about who you know. Unfortunately because of this we have lost many, many employees that we desperately needed. The work we do continues to suffer from this. Older employees are living in fear of the younger employees. Knowing they are there to take their positions. Unfortunately this has become increasingly ugly. Younger employees are finding themselves without proper training and the target of frequent scapegoating. Sadly HR has never been interested in protecting employee rights. The saddest part is that when you talk to employees who were let go, besides the uncertainty they feel about the job market, they all feel relieved. They are happy to be out of here. This isnt the company I wanted to joined, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. Coming to work everyday gets harder and harder. Looking into the faces of younger employees fills me with guilt.
The company is doing badly and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. If you are thinking about working here, do it as a temp gig. HR is busy getting rid of staff left and right. Expect to be doing the job of 5 people while barely making what you should. The company is a mish mash of fiefdoms that dislike and distrust each other. The staff and the projects they work on suffer from this. Because of this the company isn't having luck getting new work from old clients they depended on. The computers you will work on are too slow, the programs out of date and sadly not universal in the company. Expect hearing daily problems with coworkers not being able to open files you have been working on. IT has all but given up. They are taking on younger employees, but no one is really able to teach them what needs to be done. Leading to wasted weeks of work, misplaced blame, unhappy clients, and high turnover. Sadly senior staff is also paranoid of new employees. With the company doing badly expect to be blamed for things that our out of your control and having your pleas fall on deaf ears. New employees quickly learn to fear the "curse of competence". Going above and beyond leads to more work, with no recognition, thanks, and sadly relief when you do become overburdened. The support staff does their best to do as little as possible. All suffering from burnout. The common response you get from senior employees as to why they didn't note a problem, do an extra bit of work they know needed doing, or just try a little harder is "No one told me to do that." Its frustrating to hear at first, but the longer you are there you understand why. There is very little growth potential in Hazen and Sawyer, and even less thanks for trying hard. Also the HVAC in the office is horrible. Expect to work with bad odors, dust falling from the vents, and little to no air conditioning in the summer.
In the last six years or so, the New York office has laid off or forced out most staff over 50. In addition to the issue of age discrimination, there is the problem of loss of experience and historical corporate knowledge. New hires are straight out of college and not trained well. They work hard, but they need mentors and the mentors are gone. Emphasis is on getting contracts, not carrying them out.
Recent management decided to replace staff with young workers without giving the young workers guidance or training. After 30 years of service, Hazen no longer can see a place for me in the company.
Project Managers are clueless, have no training, and policies force them to worry almost exclusively about the financials. Even recent grads are designated as PMs. Management only rewards the "marketers" and not the "workers" doing the hard engineering work, and many good engineers are leaving because of this. It may not be evident from the outside but the quality of designs is getting worse and they are living on past reputation.
Cons: Folks do have their own fiefdoms... Upper management also has their favorites. If you aren't one of their favorites, you better hope you end up moving with someone else. The company policies do not permit telework as there is an inherent lack of trust from upper management to staff who might benefit from this enhancement. They company put all its eggs in one basket in its largest market. Now, they are paying the price. The city of New York was a fantastic client but to be solely reliant on them was a horrific move. With as much competition as there is in he New York Metro area, it is hard to fathom a firm that wanted to rely on one major client for revenue. That cash cow had to end but no one listened when I mentioned that... From anecdotal stories, there appears to be much fear and derision right now. People are more concerned with keeping their jobs than anything else.
New management that threw away all honesty and loyalty in their quest to diversify their clients. Large projects are ending. City government looking for a reason to part ways and find new firm. Culture of paranoia and dictatorship.
It also begs the question: “Why does Hazen & Sawyer use outside recruiters like Stacy Chaconas?” We believe based on the evidence we have presented, it is due to the fact Hazen & Sawyer has some major baggage when it comes to their firm. According to the Glassdoor reviews we have posted, they participate in age discrimination by firing anyone over 50, care only about the financials instead of life safety, using crappy software that does not work between the other offices, and making their employees work lots of unpaid overtime. Yes, folks, Stacy Chaconas is a prostitute who is willing to do anything for cash!
Folks, look at this woman we have posted. It is a picture of Denise A.M. Townsend. She is the Hazen & Sawyer Chief Human Resources Officer who participated in this Candidate’s bad experience. Denise A.M. Townsend is the blackhole recruiter for Hazen & Sawyer. We say black-hole because she failed to do her due diligence with anything with this Candidate. Let us count the ways how Denise A.M. Townsend screwed up this recruitment for Senior Structural Engineer:
· She failed to confirm the Candidate’s year of graduation despite being in the state where the Candidate’s degrees are based.
· She failed to confirm the date of the Candidate’s receipt of the EIT certificate.
· She failed to check the person’s dates of receipts of the California Civil Engineer License so she could figure out how many years of experience the Candidate had.
· Most importantly, she used a stupid recruiter named Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas to do the work for her without checking out her past work or got references of candidates she successfully placed from her. If Denise A.M. Townsend had, she would have easily deduced Stacy Chaconas was not a good recruiter.
· Denise A.M. Townsend failed to check out what Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas looks like. If Denise had, she would discover Stacy Chaconas is lies about her looks. Let us show you her pics, folks.
This is Stacy on her Linkedin profile. We have added the Billy McFarland pic next to her because she is a scam artist just like him.
The above pic is what Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas really looks like. It makes people hope she gets made fun of by the neighborhood kids before she puts her makeup on.
Based on these things, Denise’s middle initials of A.M. are short for Absolute Moron because she screwed up this recruitment big time. Denise A.M. Townsend needs to be fired immediately. If Denise were working at a radio station, she would give traffic on the 2s, weather on the 5s, and wrong answers all the time!
Since Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas does not believe in reality, this means we can say whatever we want about her and claim it is true. After all, she lives in Florida or as we like to say Flori-duh!
People out there are asking what they can do about this bad recruiter? Simple: contact her, her family members and all her friends. After all, Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas enjoys torturing people who work with her and use her as their recruiter so anything is fair game. This may explain why she is single – and had lots of jobs and not one steady job.
We have discovered Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is really bad at any kind of relationship. She has been married to all sorts of men and been divorced. She is not married to the father of her 29 year old daughter. We think Stacy is a piece of work that hates any man whether it be the father of her 29-year-old daughter or one who applies for career positions using her as a recruiter. Yes, folks, Stacy has a functioning lobotomy that happens to be working just fine.
Hazen & Sawyer Stupid Recruiter Stacy Chaconas has all sorts of trouble dating men if you look at how she handles herself as a recruiter. If she treats candidates this badly, imagine how she treats the men she dates - which is pretty bad.
And her daughter has some issues as well, like finding a man she can date. Single men can save some money by avoiding her completely. All single men need to do is check out this website before dating her. Why would single men need to spend money on a date when you can just look up her mother on this website.
And there you have it, folks! Hazen & Sawyer Recruiter Stacy Chaconas is a really rotten person that screws over the candidates she recruits. Stacy Chaconas needs to do herself and the world a favor by not recruiting anyone for any job whatsoever.
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