Folks, we just discovered another bad recruiter.  This recruiter is the ultimate in bad recruiters who gives candidates the worst recruiting experiences ever.  This recruiter is so bad she is the most insensitive you will ever meet in the history of Structural Stupidists.  Would you like to see and meet her?  Her name is Rhonda Madsen aka Rhonda Moreland Madsen aka Rho Fat.

Folks, we have evidence that Rhonda Madsen aka Rhonda Moreland Madsen aka Rho Fat is one really lousy recruiter.  There is even more evidence she is one lousy human being.  And when you see her actions in this post, you would have to wonder why she really is married at all.

 Check out the Linkedin profile we grabbed so you can see her work history.

Before Baseline Engineering Corporation hired this bitch named Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat, they should have checked out her past behavior at her previous employer Martin/Martin.  What Rhonda Madsen does not know is that we obtained an email from a potential employee at Martin/Martin.  This email makes Rhonda Madsen look really bad.  Let us show you why this is true.

This promising structural engineering candidate applied for one of the Senior Structural Engineer positions back in 2017.  The Candidate made an appointment to for an interview.  This particular Candidate was self-employed at the time.  This Candidate had several building designs into various building departments for review.  One of those Building Departments contacted the Candidate.  This Candidate could not get out of the telephone meeting with the Building Department.  As you know, Building Departments are so busy many people cannot make advance phone call appointments.  When a Building Department calls an applicant with a permit in hand, you need to answer it right away.  This meeting ran for over 3 hours!  In Denver, that would be the end of the day.  And the Candidate was on the road coming back from another job trip located over 8 hours from the San Francisco Bay Area.

 As soon as the Candidate came home and got time to do so, the candidate immediately emailed Rhonda Madsen & Sean Molloy of Martin/Martin as soon as possible.

Now you would think Martin/Martin would be accommodating with this Candidate.  Folks, you would be 100% wrong about that because Rhonda Madsen of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation sent this nasty email to the Candidate.

Folks, this is bad in so many ways.  Why was Martin/Martin wasting the Candidate’s time with an interview if it did not make a difference?  We believe Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat and Sean Molloy were using the interview to fulfill their EEOC requirements.  Yes, folks, Martin/Martin and its employees Rhonda Madsen and Sean Molloy were using the Candidate for interview rehearsals.  It makes you wonder how many other candidates she has done this to.  We bet it is plenty.  This is wrong, folks!  We wonder whether Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat currently of Baseline Engineering Corporation was paid a visit by the Men In Black and had her memory erased!  Actions like this make Rhonda Madsen look like a whore!

We also fault Rhonda Madsen and Sean Molloy of Martin/Martin because they had several days to respond – as in Monday and Tuesday.  By not doing this, Rhonda Madsen and Sean Molloy showed they did not give a shit about the Candidate experience.  Heck, Rhonda Madsen can’t even figure out how a calendar works – and she is employed at engineering firms that use big numbers in their day-to-day operations.  We can only imagine how Rhonda Madsen and Sean Molloy would handle a fire.  Based on their email response, their houses would burn down because they were too stupid to do the right thing.

Rhonda Madsen needs to understand that this was an experienced California Licensed Structural Engineer that wanted to interview with Martin/Martin.  This person also knew Milo Ketchum’s son Mark Ketchum in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years.  Milo Ketchum was one of the engineers who worked for Martin/Martin in the early days of the firm.  You would think Rhonda Madsen would show some respect for this Candidate because he/she was a referral.  You would be dead wrong, folks, because Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation is a woman who only gives a shit about herself and how much money she makes.

So the Candidate contacted the corporate office to raise this issue.  You would think that someone would care about Martin/Martin not getting the qualified engineers they need.  Not in the slightest, folks!  The Receptionist of their Denver based office told the Candidate to shut up and hang up the phone.  What this receptionist did not know is that her entire call was recorded and broadcast on live radio.  Yes, folks, people know she is a piece of shit.

What Martin/Martin forgot is that their work in Forensics and Construction Defects.  One thing that happens in these cases is the subpoena of email servers.  Folks, how do you think a construction company will feel when they discover Martin/Martin is screwing over people like this.  We would argue they do not know what qualified people are because they are too busy harassing them.  All they would have to do is look for Rhonda Madsen’s emails on the candidates she screwed over.

If Rhonda Madsen were to give interviews to structural engineers, she would make them grosser by inviting Nigel Farage, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Alex Jones and Phil Spector.

Rhonda Madsen is one insensitive bitch, folks!  What if a Candidate were in the hospital undergoing an emergency procedure or had a car accident?  Martin/Martin and Rhonda Madsen is a bitch who wants people to know she does not give a shit about candidates who apply at the firm where she works.  If you see pictures of this bitch, you can see she is a fatty who likes to throw her weight around.


Yes, folks, Rhonda Madsen has demonstrated she has no manners to show people, no empathy, no common sense, and no intelligence when it comes to HR professionals.  It makes people wonder whether Rhonda Madsen is snorting coke, doing marijuana, or a combination of those drugs.  Rhonda Madsen is a wench with a stench that makes people clench!  Rhonda Madsen looks like if COVID-19 were to grow a face.  If Rhonda Madsen is this bad at Martin/Martin, then wait until you see her work at Baseline Engineering Corporation.  We know it will be pretty bad based on her past recruiter activities at Martin/Martin.  Rhonda Madsen is so bad you can call her Rho Fat for being this evil towards candidates who apply for structural engineering positions there.  Yes, folks, Rhonda Madsen and Martin/Martin give it to their candidates without providing Vaseline.

If you read the Glassdoor reviews on Martin/Martin, you will encounter negative reviews like this:

Upper management conducts themselves like a fraternity. They need some intense therapy to eliminate their projection of insecurities on staff. They talk a big game, but have no clue how growing a company should really look like because just ask them, they know everything. Most upper managers have only worked there which is good and bad. Unfortunately, the bad shines more and results in poor staff development. They keep toxic individuals for various reasons and allow them to treat other employees abusively and illegally. So many talented senior engineers left, which should be a huge red flag to management that the current group leaders need to go.

Management like to take credit for most of the work they never completed and push blame to others, which is fair no one wants to be in trouble

Little room for growth, sometimes very long hours. Sometimes problems, whether they are particular jobs, or particular people, tend to get pushed around rather than just dealt with.

What the Martin/Martin folks do not know is that we obtained one of the reviews they submitted to the City and County of Denver.  This was a review of a tenant improvement for their building at 1144 15th St.  It is a very famous highrise in Denver that houses Optiv.  This tenant improvement used light gage stud walls to frame the various rooms on two of the office floors.  Guess what was missing, folks?  The attachment of the stud walls to the structure above.  And Martin/Martin forgot about the deflection clips so the steel structure could deflect downward without crushing the steel studs.  Now with a firm with the prestige like Martin/Martin, you would think they would know about this.  Guess what, folks, if the firm is run like Rhonda Madsen and Sean Molloy perform interviews for structural engineers they want to hire, we say it is pretty bad.  Martin/Martin must come to terms they hired a whore for a recruiter and her name is Rhonda Madsen.

Also, it is quite comical for Martin/Martin employees stating they want more inclusivity when they are busy rejecting people for no legitimate reason.  Martin/Martin Principal Emily Guglielmo, the blonde woman and UCLA dumb woman, made a statement about inclusivity.


Unfortunately, this does not pass muster because we obtained emails sent to Emily Guglielmo about this issue and her lack of response.  See, folks, Martin/Martin discriminates against job seekers over 40.  Also, Martin/Martin does not promote equity in recruitment based on what they did to the engineer who applied there.  Why else did they refuse to do anything about Rhonda Madsen back in 2017?  See, for Rhonda Madsen of Baseline Engineering Corporation and formerly of Martin/Martin, ignoring reality so people don’t see how badly they behave is a way of life.  And for Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat and its Principal Emily Guglielmo, they are too busy keeping six feet from knowledge because for them, ignorance is bliss.  This allegedly happened before the pandemic.  Hey, Emily Guglielmo, how does that behavior work for your three children living at 26 Ayala Court, San Rafael, CA?  In short, it doesn’t!  Emily Guglielmo of Martin/Martin is a prostitute who is willing to do anything for cash!

Hey, Emily Guglielmo, before you give lectures on inclusivity, clean up your own house by hiring qualified California Licensed Structural Engineers at your firm.  That is why LIE is in your name, Emily - because you are untruthful.  Actions like what you did just makes you look like an asshole!  Hey, Emily Guglielmo, don’t forget when one finger points at the person you are screwing over, four point back at yourself!

Also, Emily Guglielmo and Rhonda Madsen, before you bitch and scream about equal rights for women, why don’t you do something about them by giving men in their 40s careers at Martin/Martin.  Remember, Emily Guglielmo, these men have daughters, so what the fuck are you doing by denying them career opportunities?  Emily Guglielmo, you are one of the biggest structural engineering hypocrites in the United States!

Many people are asking what they can do about Rhonda Madsen aka Rho Fat.  For starters, you can go up to Rhonda Madsen and call her every dirty name in the book because her actions are truly disgusting.  It is easy to find Rhonda Madsen because she is a fat redhead.  It is too nice to call Rhonda Madsen an asshole because that has a useful function unlike the human being known as Rhonda Madsen of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation.

If you are a single guy dating Rhonda Madsen’s daughter, you can turn her down after reading this post.  After all, why would any guy date Rhonda Madsen’s daughter after seeing how Rhonda Madsen treats people.  Single guys can say NO because they have now seen Rhonda Madsen’s behavior.

And since Rhonda Madsen graduate from the University of Northern Colorado in 1989, fellow alums can disown her and treat her like crap.  Because of the actions of Rhonda Madsen, she is an Education major who is in real need of education when it comes to the US Constitution and Human Resources because she does not believe in the Civil Rights Act of 1965.  We bet Rhonda Madsen of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation will use some lame excuse like she isn’t responsible for things that happened before she was born.  It also makes people wonder whether she makes other claims like eating alphabet soup will increase her vocabulary.  Yes, folks, Rhonda Madsen is this stupid.

Folks need to recall Rhonda Madsen is a liar first and foremost.  IF she lies about employment opportunities, what else will she lie about?  We believe she will lie plenty.  For example, would you expect her to be truthful to law enforcement?  No!  Would you expect Rhonda Madsen to be truthful to an insurance adjuster in a claims situation based on how she handles interviewing engineers?  No!

Anyone who does work for Rhonda Madsen and her family can decide to give the dumbest person possible.  Of course, it will cause aggravation, but then again, Rhonda Madsen of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation enjoyed causing this to candidates who applied for jobs at Martin/Martin!

If Rhonda Madsen of Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation wants to keep giving these fake interviews, then her firm can dump money into the unemployment fund at a rate of 10 times the weekly claim amount!

The only solution to this problem is to avoid dealing with Rhonda Madsen and any company she is employed by such as Martin/Martin and Baseline Engineering Corporation.  Her hubby may think she’s sexy, but the people out there know she’s stupid.  She is the Weakest link – and a big fat liar – goodbye!


As for Emily Guglielmo, she needs to do yourself a favor and be part of the solution when it comes to inclusivity!  We know Emily Guglielmo is a lying sack of crap in this area.  It makes us wonder whether she learned how to be an asshole from all the men in her profession.  We will never forget you and your bad behavior as long as you shall live, Emily Guglielmo.  Emily Guglielmo needs to do everyone a favor and show some inclusivity to candidates that apply to work at Martin/Martin and that starts with the Candidate she did nothing about in 2017.


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