Would you like to get scammed for a fake interview for a structural engineering position?  Would you like to feel like being used?  Do you want to waste time preparing for interviews on fake structural engineering positions?  Do you want to feel like you’re part of padding an interview roster?  You can do that and more by applying as a Senior Structural Engineer at Paradigm Structural Engineers, located in San Francisco, CA.

Here is the jist of what happened, folks.  A well-qualified candidate used a headhunter named Andrew Selman to apply for one of the Senior Engineer positions at the firm.  The candidate was really interested because he wanted to be closer to his family.  Currently, this person was working all over the US and separated from his family.  So when the candidate heard back from this firm, he was ecstatic.

Paradigm Structural Engineers, however, started coming up with reasons not to consider the candidate off the bat.  One of the most ridiculous things Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong came up with was that the candidate lived in San Jose, CA.  According to Brian Armstrong, people have quit working there because of the excessive commute to from San Jose to their San Francisco office.  Paradigm Structural Engineers demanded that the candidate immediately move to San Francisco.  Apparently, knowing current events is not a requirement for working at Paradigm Structural Engineers.  If these bozos did, they would know that California has a major housing crisis.  Also, staff of Paradigm Structural Engineers is so dumb they forgot that the candidate was within easy reach of BART, the mass transit system that would take the candidate from his home to the firm’s office.  In fact, this candidate had done the same commute at another firm for five years!  Eventually, Paradigm Structural Engineers backed down on that requirement and decided to conduct that interview.

The candidate went to the interview at Paradigm Structural Engineers.  The candidate was excited about the firm and its body of work.  For those who do not know, they are a structural engineering firm that designs buildings for retail like IKEA, mission critical, hotels, the list goes on and on.  The candidate got to meet Jeff Williams & Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong.  Founder Kurt Lindorfer was absent from the meeting.

The candidate was excited and discussed his relevant experience.  This candidate literally designed every type of building from schools, hospitals, tenant improvements, hotels, multi-family, parking garages, the list goes on and on.  The candidate has a Structural Engineer license in California, Washington, Colorado & Texas.

As for` the interview and taking notes, Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong suffered from rolling mental blackouts.  That is because he could only recall only one aspect of the candidate’s engineering experience:  public school design.  See the email below:

Folks, it appears Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong ignored that candidate’s relevant experience.  It sounds like to us that Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong believed school buildings were some kind of “alien” building type.  Guess Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong forgot that all buildings undergo gravity and lateral forces.

So Andrew Selman followed up with Paradigm again.  He sent this email.

What this candidate did not know is that the firm had no intention of hiring any senior level engineers.  Check out the email Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong sent to the headhunter.  The candidate got a copy of this email.


That’s right, folks!  Based on this email, you would be better to assume Paradigm Structural Engineers is located on the fictional planet of Talos IV.


 Paradigm Structural Engineers decided to internally promote their staff instead of hiring an outside candidate.  This begs the questions:

Why did Paradigm Structural Engineers contact a headhunter for a nonexistent position?

Why did Paradigm Structural Engineers waste a candidate’s precious time and money for a nonexistent position?

Why did Paradigm Structural Engineers not think of their staff first before going outside to interview other people for their firm?

Why did Paradigm Structural Engineers not know the makeup of their firm?  If they knew they were top heavy, why interview candidates for non-existent positions?

Of course, we believe the real reason this firm decided to so what they did is so they can fulfill their alleged EEOC requirements.  Think of Paradigm Structural Engineers as a bank that rings up fees on fake-free checking.

Do you notice what is at the bottom of this email?  “Intelligent Structural Solutions”.  Tell us, what kind of intelligent structural solutions does Paradigm Structural Engineers design when they cannot figure out how to run their firm?  It makes us wonder whether they would use interviews for free consulting.  It sure looks like that to us, folks.  After all, that candidate was not even allowed to tour the office.

Now, why would a firm like Paradigm practice this type of unethical behavior?  Let us count the ways.

  • Fake job postings exist so that Paradigm Structural Engineers can gauge the current talent pool.  What better way to assess how in-demand a position is than to post an advertisement to fill that same position? The number of applications can be a valuable pointer on what to pay a person for a given job.  It also is an indicator of how easy that person is to potentially replace.  Guess Paradigm thinks all their employees are replaceable.  You can thank Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong, Jeff Williams, & Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer for that. 
  •         Fake job postings exist so that Paradigm Structural Engineers can get a back-up for your position and keep resumes on file. Since we already know that every job is temporary, an enterprising employer like Paradigm Structural Engineers might be stockpiling talent in case you make a sudden exit, or, are asked to make an exit.   Translation:  Paradigm Structural Engineers may have high turnover. 
  • Fake job postings at Paradigm Structural Engineers exist so that they can copy you. Resume plagiarism is prevalent. You need only search “resume template” or a variation to see the thousands of samples floating around on the Web.  Some shady cats have been known to take to sites like Craigslist and post a phony job within their field. This gives them access to dozens of resume that they can copy at will and make their own. We wonder whether Paradigm Structural Engineers is using this technique to branch into other types of work.  What better way to get work than to steal someone’s resume, claim that person works for Paradigm Structural Engineers, and then try to get work for the firm.  You can thank Paradigm Structural Engineers’ Brainless Boy Blunder Brian Armstrong, Jeff Williams, and Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer for potentially earning a place in career hell.


·        Paradigm Structural Engineers may be using this process to fire employees that may be deemed too costly and/or cutting into their profits.  Paradigm Structural Engineers then interviews potential candidates at places away from their office so that potentially terminated employee has no idea what is going on.  The trouble is that person finds out and tells everyone they know how bad the company is.  Why would anyone want to work for someone like that after hearing this story?  If Paradigm Structural Engineers did this to one employee, they can do this to a lot more people.


Folks, notice the irony of Paradigm Structural Engineers’ founder Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer.  Do you think he is holier than thou when his staff admitted to age discrimination in an email?  According to his Facebook page, he quotes that “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”



What Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer does not know is that everyone will be watching him now – because he and his firm have demonstrated they are total frauds.  This will also have all sorts of consequences for this firm.  Some of them will not be good at all.  Let us explain them to you, folks.

If you were a police officer, would you trust Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer or any staff who works for Paradigm Structural Engineers if you saw they are liars?  Of course you wouldn’t.  This evidence of them makes them unreliable witnesses in any court of law.  Also, several news reporters in the area know of Kurt Lindorfer now.  It so happens that two police officers are married to news reporters.  One of them works for ABC News.  Oops, Kurt!

Also, construction companies can use these emails against Paradigm Structural Engineers because it proves they may not be hiring qualified people.  Construction companies can also use these recruitment emails to argue that Paradigm Structural Engineers is using interviews on unsuspecting candidates for free structural engineering ideas.  This has happened with the 737 MAX issues with Boeing.  Several sources have told the Structural Stupidists this has happened at Boeing during their interviews.

These emails can also be used by employment attorneys to prove their age discrimination cases.  Based on the photos on the company website, many of these engineers look really young.  And when that candidate was rejected, it sure felt like age discrimination, didn’t it, folks?  Of course, it did!  This is ironic because Kurt Lindorfer is 60 – he should know better.

Single men out there, did you know Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer has two daughters?  Would you date the them if you knew their daddy is a lying sack of crap?  Of course you wouldn’t!  On the bright side, single men will save all sorts of money because they will have that information firsthand.

As for recruiting people to work at Paradigm Structural Engineers, do you think they will want to work there?  Based on what they did to one of the candidates who applied there, we would expect no one would want to work there.  If Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer and the members of Fool & the Gang cry wolf about career opportunities, what makes anyone think they can be trusted?  We say no one can trust them – not potential and current employees – and certainly not their clients.  People can choose to boycott their clients like Top Golf & IKEA.

And check out Kurt Lindorfer's grades, folks!


 If Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer decides to get a second divorce, do you think it will go well for him?  After all, he founded a firm that lies to potential employees.  What else would he lie about?  Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer can say he is an ethical human being all he wants, but when he hauls people out of their busy lives to interview them for fake career opportunities, he is shooting himself in the proverbial foot.  If you are currently working, then you could lose your job because you have taken too much time off.  If you are unemployed, then you have wasted time trying to get back to work.  Time gets wasted on researching the firm and preparing for the interview.

We all know he got a divorce from his first wife Carol Lindorfer, the owner of Jolt Gifts in San Anselmo, CA.  We can only imagine the abuse she may have endured with Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer if the treatment of potential employees is any indication.

Also, this may have a profound impact on his new wife Christie Carlson Lindorfer.  Let use explain why this is possible.  For the folks who do not know, Christie Carlson Lindorfer is a sales manager at Preventice Solutions.  It is a biotech company with an office in South San Francisco, CA.  Folks, would you trust Christie Carlson Lindorfer to be truthful?  Would you trust her to back up her sales?  Based on what we have seen on her husband Lyin’ Liar Kurt Lindorfer, we would say no!  Future sales conversations could contain such phrases as “Ask your husband, Christie!”


 Christie can say her hubby is a great guy all she wants.  The actions her hubby performed on a candidate that interviewed at her hubby’s firm does not reflect that at all.


Folks, there is another person who is guilty of screwing with structural engineering candidates:  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley.  He is an Executive Recruiter with GRN Blue Valley.  GRN is short for Global Recruiters Network.  It is a franchise of executive recruiters all over the US.  Here is what happened.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley made contact with the candidate through Linkedin.

Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley told the candidate there were several structural engineering opportunities throughout the US, including the one at Paradigm Structural Engineers.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley told the candidate he had several structural engineering firms that were eager to hire.  When it came down to delivering on the other opportunities except Paradigm Structural Engineers, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley rehashed his life course called Blamestorming by telling the candidate they were considering internal candidates instead.

Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley has some blame here.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley is so dumb he cannot perform the simple research of a structural engineering firm.  What makes people think he can run a business?  Based on the Paradigm incident, his MBA is useless!  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley is what would happen in the sound THUD grew a face!


Look at this email, folks!  There are many flaws in it that defy reality!

Look at the email he sent to the candidate, folks!  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley claimed the candidate was upset because he thought the recruiter was trying to do a guaranteed placement.  This is inaccurate because the candidate wanted to interview the owner Kurt Lindorfer about his firm.


Also, why did Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley set up an interview with this candidate when he knew this candidate had no chance to get the position?  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley can claim he has an MBA all he wants, but he cannot master the basics of reading comprehension based on this email.

Andrew Selman’s statement of the firm not having a need is laughable because the firm wanted to promote from within first.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley has a need – and that need is to screw over out-of-work people.

Folks, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley needs to get out of the recruiting business.  Andrew Selman the Stupid’s talents would be much better spent if he were a crooked car salesman.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley already has lots of experience altering reality.  Look at the most recent email he sent that candidate.

Hey, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley, if you are a firm believer in companies not shying away from hiring senior people, why did you jerk a candidate with a fake career opportunity?  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley needs to realize his career opportunities are like mirages in the desert.

In the first box we highlighted, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley claims he abhors wasting a candidate’s time.  Hey, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley, what do you call it when you waste someone’s time on a fake interview?  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley believes candidates should not be upset when this happens.  Guess Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley does not live in a reality based world, does he?

In the second box we highlighted, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley told the candidate Paradigm Structural Engineers had no plans for adding senior staff.  If that was true, why did Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley set up the interview with Paradigm Structural Engineers then?  One word, folks: incompetence.

In the last box we highlighted, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley told the candidate to keep quiet about the bad interview experience at the hands of Paradigm Structural Engineers.  This also sounds like Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley could be blacklisting this candidate if this candidate spoke out about the bad treatment.  Guess what, Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley, we will not keep quiet about this bad experience you did on that candidate.  We will be showing this to everyone we know.

Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley needs to understand that his reputation has laid by the waste side.  Folks, what makes anyone else think he will work for them in getting their next career opportunity?  We say a big fat no.  Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley participated in employment fraud – plain and simple.

Since Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley claims he has an MBA, maybe he can answer these questions:

What is the single thing that negatively affects the economy more than anything else?

What is the biggest factor in demotivating employees even before they walk in the door?

What is the hidden thing that affects the bottom line but CEO's and CFO's are unaware?

What's the biggest drain on brain power and motivation?

What is the thing that can quickly ruin a company's reputation and waste billions of dollars in marketing efforts?

What wastes billions of dollars worth of time and talent every month?

What is the thing that even failing and bankrupt companies continue to do?

What is a massive source of illicit revenue?

What is an epic data mining scheme?

What is a hacker's paradise?

What is a massive and continual FRAUD, where no one goes to jail, no one is fined, and no one is discouraged from continuing to do it, and yet politicians don't care?


Enough about Andrew Selman the Stupid of Global Recruiters of Blue Valley!  Let’s talk about what we plan on doing about Paradigm Structural Engineers.


Kurt Lindorfer needs to understand this will cost him his professional reputation.  Who is going to work for Paradigm Structural Engineers in the future?  Would any of his clients believe him after what he did to people who applied to work for him?  Maybe!  Maybe not!

If Paradigm Structural Engineers wants to do this, then they need to pay the price.  This means raising their taxes really high because they are causing people to use state governmental services like unemployment. May we suggest charging up to 10 times the maximum rate of unemployment taxes on this firm?


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